After a bunch of really stressful weeks, and an incredibly stressful month, things were capped off by the passing of Robin Williams, a personal inspiration of mine that drove me to pen this blog: “A Different Point of View, Captain.” Based on this, a friend shared this awesome tribe poster an artist in Canada did for Robin, and I was just wowed. I connected with the artist on Facebook, asking where I could get a print, and it turned out he didn’t have that set up yet.
Guess what? Well he’s been retweeted by Rosie O’Donnell, flying all over social media, and until recently, you couldn’t even order one. Now you can, and I am really really excited. You can order one through the artist, Tyler Boyco, here:
Yeah, it’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?
So what are you waiting for? Order one already, will ya? And if anyone is interested in a limited edition signed and numbered print, Tyler is looking into getting a special run on high quality acid free paper to get that done. Pricing will be more than the poster, obviously, but drop a note in the comments if you are interested, and I’ll be sure to pass along the details!
Sometimes, even when life is rough, the good stuff just keeps on shining through.
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